The Tarotorial Expanded Guidebook
is now on Amazon and Barnes and Noble!
SHOP AMAZON SHOP BARNES AND NOBLEInstead of imagery, each card outlines upright and reversed meanings, so you can quiz yourself as you do readings or use this deck to supplement your tarot practice.
Mariah Oller
As a beginner: Get them. Seriously. They’re perfect for learning, for practicing, for testing yourself. As an intermediate reader: I think they’re helpful when you want to check your work, when you want to integrate reversals so that each card carries the weight of all of its meanings.
Amanda Bell
Indie Deck Review
I think this deck is outlandishly brilliant. Especially for those who thrive in a flashcard set. It’s like a tarot deck meets flashcards and especially if that’s the kind of learner you are, I hands down recommend this.
Robyn Valentine
A Tired Witch
From the Coven
Q: How does the Tarotorial Training Tarot Deck help me in improving my Tarot Readings?
A: The Tarotorial Training ...
Pamela Coe
Neurodivergence in Tarot
While tarot is primarily an image-based medium, focusing on that imagery presents an obstacle to neurodivergent students. Giving a description of the images in the Raider-Waite deck along with the meanings, the Tarotorial Tarot Training Deck helps students to make those connections early.